Galaxystars Adveqeust (source)

Chapter 1

gAlACypaw sart ta the dege of the dne , looking at the freshfkill pille . se was Hun3ry adn want food.

"Hu yhers galaxy puw1. Who are u?" aaid coCOpaw

"Fin" mewed glacky psw "who r u"

"Gate" he reponded

"Waant to goo hynting?"' mrwed qaxly paw


Yhey wen't hunring and coght 3 hundred mouses and got htere cln hap yp.

"U gud very mch" said coal Star

"I no" Sard gacy pu arnd cocoo psw

Garaky paw saw here mentoe "herow1' aind she

"Hello Gaxy pet who are u. Hello" sad little foot said

"Im fin. I want hunting"

"Guud" shar said "u ver god"

Caxy paw locked at CoCo pu. his fir was perfact. Brown lic dirt. Paw lik pop. If oney dey were worriard ten be them mates.

Al carts gathr arnd teh rok for cln mateing" sard Coalar "dear our kite for aprentcie" heh locked dewn "Daisy kite" fum dis moment "till you ebh warroir, you ill be daisy kite"

"Daisy wing daisy wing daisy wing!11" sard deh cln

"Bid poo chal mentor"

Dasiy kite went two cay ho to Bir pol'

Qacy par was anger! Bid pool was the deeputy! And mum! Brd pool should mentor herm!

"Hell Dasy kiy1' saed qalaypawn "r u exited about ben aprint/"

"YAR111!" sas daiy whin "I cna wat!'

"Cum 1 Das"; sard bird pie "let go1"

Gaxys pu wach dem wark way. She fron

"Y r u saf?' said coCopw

Se smild/ coco pae wa so nic1 "em fin"